There way too much time !!!

Well getting dumped by a gal leaves you with too much time I guess. Well after you are past the so called grieving period there like the whole world of time at your mercy. Trust me its actually fun what you might end up and discovering about yourself.

For me the grieving period still continues but I don’t really care much. It was never much of a relationship and hence the attachment levels weren’t great for me to bother me as much. Now after shes gone I get to do the cool stuff like play my PS3 without being disturbed by phone calls and texts. I can roam around the city taking pictures.

Of course I miss her, God knows I do but there’s more to life I believe. It goes on



Maybe I Still Haven’t Figured It Out !!!

Love they say is simple. You will know when it happens. You will feel it big time. I on the other hand still haven’t figured it out I guess. I mean there’s a cute chick in my office who I think I like…Love whatever it is. Is it about her looks ? Is it an infatuation ? Is it the simplicity I see in her ? I don’t know..I don’t want to figure it out maybe. Its a nice feeling ..Let it be so…

Store Room !!!

A few days ago I watched Little Manhattan again. One of my favorite movies. Love the innocence of LOVE captured in an almost perfect movie. Well apart from that the movie has wonderful dialogue where the child’s dad explains that our heart is like a store room. The more things we leave unsaid, the more the room keeps on getting filled until one day the room is full and there is no more room. Things which should have been said. Things which could have made a difference back then had you not chose to keep quiet and pile them in the store room.

Its so true. All the while we leave so many things unsaid considering them unimportant or maybe important but they might affect your relations or any other reason. We only realize very late that all those things comeback eventually and will pose as far bigger problems.

So it is always good to speak, to express yourself at the correct time. Maybe you will loose people maybe you will hurt them or you may get hurt. But trust me by personal experience I can tell you don’t fill in your store room. Speak up. Its for the good. At the moment you might not see it. Circumstances might blind you but eventually everything happens for a reason.