That’s another weekend gone by !!!

For any working professional the weekend comes as nothing less than a holiday. Not everyone of them is fun filled and all happening but surely one tends to make the most of it. Mostly I spend weekends with my family or here in Pune at my flat playing my beloved PS3. But this time I decided to take my new FujiFilm S4500 for test. So went out with a roommate. Clicked some pics. Had a nice fun filled Saturday. Sunday was no less either. Roaming around the city all by myself with the camera to my company. Wud love to this more often. Adding a few of those clicks here. Hope you like them 🙂ImageImageImage

Farewells !!!

I never figured out what the deals is with farewells. Are they like happy endings and we won’t see them again or its just like tata bbye for now, the world is round and i’ll surely bump into you somewhere sometime. 


26th July – 1St August

Well this is not how you pen down a diary . I kno its like injustice but thats all the time I find these days 😀

Well the weekend was fun. Out with family. Getting the money I lent back and some quality time with people I really care about. The following week has just been about work. Only yesterday I just managed to ask the chicks roomate about her and she said that she was committed and I don’t have shot. Sad but i’ll not loose my sleep over that. Have a something else in my mind. See when you don’t attach your happiness to people or things life is much easier. I figured that out and I am a much happier person. i have things other than finding love to do. Well maybe I’ll find love eventually but for now I’m giving up the chase.

Home Calling

TGIF !!!! 

Well the weekends coming and Im looking forward to spending some time with my family.Its always good to go back home after a hectic week and just chill out. The prospect of home made food is what entices me the most. 

Hope everyone reading this has a wonderful weekend. 

24-25th July

Its bad to have days missing out of your life. So I need to put down these two entries. A little late I guess. 24th was special .Spent the whole day in emotional turmoil whether to wish my ex on her birthday or not. Actually I did wish her . Felt good.

Nothing much to write about the two days. One good thing was after two day long toil I did manage to get a custom rom installed on my super laggy phone..Now its works just fine. Happy for the same

Its Her Birthday !!!!

Its a tough call to make. Maybe that’s what kept me awake all night more than the phone rooting. Maybe she did stamp hard on my heart. Maybe what she did was totally wrong. I know it was. God knows it was. But is it sufficient enough reason that I do not wish her on her birthday. Maybe she still expects my text. I

What right I do not know but I have untill 11.59PM to figure it out

23rd July 2013

Woke up to 9. It was raining cats and dogs and while I write this down it still continues to pour down. So nothing special till now. As always heading to office is quite a task and the rains weren’t helping my cause either. But I get to see the cute girl who sits a few places away from me and hence I do end up at office however reluctant I feel. After an hours driving I did manage to reach office. This is where the fun started. I have a habit of misplacing things and today I had misplaced on thing which would cost me 1/3rd of my salary. So the search began. I could not even remember where I had kept it last. So I decided to not a give a damn and live with the fact that I might have to part with some of my salary next month. So normal day at the end of which I did find my misplaced thing. So not loosing salary and I could afford to throw a party for that. I was experimenting with my phone till 4am . That’s all the day had in the happening..Bring on tomorrow 🙂

Maybe I Still Haven’t Figured It Out !!!

Love they say is simple. You will know when it happens. You will feel it big time. I on the other hand still haven’t figured it out I guess. I mean there’s a cute chick in my office who I think I like…Love whatever it is. Is it about her looks ? Is it an infatuation ? Is it the simplicity I see in her ? I don’t know..I don’t want to figure it out maybe. Its a nice feeling ..Let it be so…