You are Unique !!!

If you lose perspective,your life is wasted they say. Doesn’t really take much to understand the deeper meaning the line has. God made millions of different people. He din’t just go copy pasting , he put effort into everyone of us and made us what we …unique in our own way, each one of us.
We weren’t put on the earth to please someone. It’s a competition for sure but I believe it is a competition against ourselves and not our fellow beings. So what you did to impress others doesn’t count but what you did to impress yourself , to be a better person today than you were yesterday does.
If you live to impress others you fail to explore your gifts. Your reason for existence may not be fulfilled by living your life on someone else’s terms. No one can play your role better than yourself. So in this play called life try and
play your part. Discover yourself and try and be a better version of yourself.
Live life on your own terms.The people who you try to impress today may not be there tomorrow. People will come and go. Forget what you are doing to impress others. Try and impress yourself. Wake up everyday to be a better person than you were yesterday. Find what makes you unique and live upto your potential. After all you are answerable to God and for the effort he put into molding you,it’s your duty to discover yourself and be the person he wants you to be.

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